So what was I able to accomplish in April regarding my Scrapping Goals...
I still am behind according to my Master Goal List, but the updated April list I am proud to say I actually did all but 1 thing.
* I finished up my son Nathan's age 6 album
* I actually did start on Rachel's age 3 album, only 1 page but hey it is started and I went through all of the pre-printed pictures and organized them into themes/layouts so when I do have time to scrap it should be a breeze!
* I also created and framed a special layout of my daughter Rebekah
For my May list:
* I need to create and finish the other Child's First WDW Memory Book for a girl (for my friend's daughter), this has to be done before Memorial Day weekend as they leave shortly afterwards in June.
* I want to create a digital album of pictures from My brother's Wedding last March.
* Continue working on Rachel's book
* I am traveling over Memorial Day weekend and will bring w/ two little projects to get started on. I will either work one some WDW timeline books or custom WDW character autograph books
As well if time allows I want to create another framed layout for another of my children.
Happy May and Happy Creating!
Love the framed picture of Rebekah!