Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Back to the Monday Updates...on a Tuesday

I still have some catching up to do w/ some special things to share, but I didn't want another week to go by w/out getting back to my Monday's Updates:

* Potty-Training successes- after my initial post several weeks back, we went backwards w/ our training and on Sunday I declared "that's it!" I decided it was time for some hard-core training here...out goes the on the potty-every hour thing and wondering when is this going to happen, when is Margaret going to be ready or wanting to do her peeps and poops in her little potty-seat? After chatting w/ a girlfriend I just decided let's do the underwear and put some control in Margaret's hands...if it is disastrous, we can take a break and try again. Trying to just be more relxed and let it happen....Yes we've had a bunch of accidents and reluctance to sit on the potty, but yesterday 1 success and today 2! It even warranted a call to Daddy at work...by golly she may be getting it. Still diapers for nap and bed and UGH! wouldn't you know it I just bought two new boxes of diapers and already opened them...

* Disney on the Brain again- One of my special friends and followers is making plans to head back to Disney and her fun has actually enticed me out of this in-between Disney-funk I have been in. So YAY! We are getting closer to 1 the 1 year mark for our next family trip and that means even closer to when I can call and make our first DVC ressie request!

* No go on the Mom's Panel- no worries, it was fun to enter and it was fun to wait and see...but I'll still keep planning and helping anyone who likes my advice.

* Another JMM book in progress- over the weekend I started another custom Memory book of my husband Matt and I from 3 of our last 6 trips: pictures of us posing in front of the NYC backdrop at the Studios.

* Other what-not's- reading a great little book called Shopping for Time: How to Do It All and NOT Be Overwhelmed by Carolyn Mahaney and her 3 daughters. It is about managing your time w/ a Biblical and God-honoring/Eternal perspective. My first task...is to start waking up earlier and fill myself up in His Word and Prayer. They call it it the 5 AM Club...I'm shooting for the 6:30 AM club for now...



  1. Hey Julie! Great to see an update. Glad the potty training is showing some success! :) I'm so glad we're past that stage.

    Love the idea of your new scrapbook. I hope you can scan some pages to show us. :)

  2. Yay for the potty training successes!! I'm really glad to hear you are squeezing some "me time" into your busy schedule. :) And I'm glad to have you along for the planning of my upcoming trip.
