Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A little Disney...

How much do I enjoy Disney and all things Disney?

Quite alot actually! How did this love affair again? well back in the Spring of 1993, I had recently needed to medically withdraw from college after only 1 semester and found myself heading back to school at the local community college and needing a car and a job! A trip to one of the nearby malls, I had my mind set to fill out an application w/ the Warner Brother's Store...when walking by the Disney Store I saw an old friend and decided why not, let's do one here too.

Well guess which store called me in for an interview? you know the answer!

I actually only worked as a CastMember for about 18 months, but I enjoyed it very much. I even met my very best friend through working for the stores. One of my favorite memories of my time there was when The Lion King came out to the theatres. In the stores we had these big screens that showed video clips etc...much like today. The movie montage screen in our store would show the opening sequence w/ the Circle of Life song....I will always remember going to see it the actual movie opening weekend w/ a group of co-workers and shouting out to the movie screen "Coming to a Theatre Near You!"after the Circle of Life played and the movie title appeared on the screen....well that's what it said in our store for a month preceding the opening....I guess you had to be there.

I'm sorry I don't have any pictures of me in the costume...but I will post a pic soon of my CM pin and Steam Boat Mickey pin!

After a trip to WDW in March of 1994...I couldn't get enough and 6 trips later I'm looking forward to our next adventure there in November of 2010 to celebrate Mae and Margaret's birthdays!

So how do I pass the next 18 months before we go back to WDW?

a little planning here and there

Disney movies, shows, music....

Posting about our last trip (March 09) on the DisBoards

looking at photos and scrapbooking Disney stuff

and right now I checked out from the library one of Walt Disney's Biography to read.

well come back and see how my little Disney adventures are going, won't ya?


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